
Monthly Raffle

How is the raffle conducted?

The prizes are drawn every month on the first day of the month to announce the winners who purchased our products during the previous month.

The prizes will be distributed as follows:

🥇 First place: 70% off
🥈 Second place: 40% off
🥉 Third place: 15% off

Where is the raffle held?

The raffle is conducted on the “commentpicker” website.

The winners will be notified by email, along with a video to watch the raffle.

How is the raffle conducted?

The raffle process depends on the number of purchase orders made. For example, if you make three purchases during the month with different invoices, your name will be entered into the raffle three times, thereby increasing your chances of winning. The more purchases you make, the more entries you have in the raffle, and the higher your chance of winning.
Note: It is possible to win two or three prizes.

How are the names displayed?

The names are displayed as follows: #72935 You name

  • Purchase order number
  • The name entered by the buyer.

How do I claim the prize?

The prize can be redeemed by receiving a one-time discount code for products only, and the discount code expires after one month, Discounts can be applied to only three products.

🤩 Enjoy your discount code anytime! 🤩

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